Thursday, April 9, 2009

Too Many Choices

The 9 of wands is the card I've been contemplating today. A man holds a staff, eight others form a fence behind him, and he looks like he's eying them warily. There's a bandage on his head indicating an injury. The green world spreads out far behind him. For me, this is a card about choosing one's path.

I'm lucky to have an abundance of choice. I can do, think, feel, be what I want.

This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The plus side is obvious, but on the other hand, I often question my choices, or feel like I'm stuck in an old choice made long ago that no longer seems to fit the new me. The implications around choosing rightly or wrongly seem very weighty indeed, especially in an uncertain time. I could get hurt, or hurt my loved ones, if I make the wrong choice.

If I take my life less seriously, then my choices don't seem so impactful. I can then choose with a lighter heart. Looking closely at the card, I notice that there are no paths in the hills beyond the fence of wands. Perhaps I could keep all my options open and wander around my life more freely. I can make a choice, and if that doesn't fit, choose again. I can also choose not to choose.

There is a part of me that finds security in making a choice, but a larger part knows that any choice I make is temporary. Change is the only certainty. I can learn to be flexible, and choose depending on circumstance, and only make a choice when it feels "right".

I'm learning that a big part of making choices is being able to let them go if they don't work out. Stubborn consistency doesn't make for enough flexibility. It's like a cement river. It doesn't flow all that well.

I will go with the flow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Emperor's True Clothes

Today's card is all about power.

The Emperor hints at how you run your world. Do you seek power over a situation or person, or do you seek to empower others? The emperor tells you how powerfully your ego impacts your life.

The ego is not usually your best friend. The ego is a collection of the habits of behavior you learned as you grew up. What actions might have been appropriate to you as a child may no longer be appropriate as an adult; yet the ego, for its own survival, encourages you to still use many immature weapons of control such as: sulking, the silent treatment, flattery, manipulation, and all the tricks we rely on to get our own way.

Poorly aspected, the emperor in our nature wants to be the "king of the hill", and will use whatever he or she can to achieve that goal. The well-aspected emperor strives to empower others, knowing that, ultimately, what best serves all is what best serves oneself.

There is a high level of trust in this point of view. Remembering this truth helps one relax into one's life, let go of the struggle and negative patterns of behaviour, and know that all is well.

That's true power.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Fool

I've decided to change the focus of my blog. I'm going to pull a Tarot card each time I post and discuss it's import. Since it's April Fools Day, I'm starting with the Fool.

I love this card. It's a "throw caution to the wind" card that strikes a chord with me. The fool strolls purposely towards the edge of a cliff. Will he fall? Will he notice his direction and change it? Perhaps he'll walk right off the edge and end up airbourne.

Whatever happens, his trust in the universe is evident. His rucksack and his faithful companion are all he needs.

Trust in the moment, companionship, happiness, a beautiful day, contentment with life as it is: these are all any of us really need to be happy. Disaster may strike, but worrying about it won't help. In fact, worry about anything may bring unwanted results about more quickly if it's true that you get what you focus on.

The Fool inspires me to live in the moment and go with the flow. Foolish? Maybe, but life is filled with nothing but moments in time. What are you doing with your moment? Are you enjoying it? When you look for the good in every moment, you are creating your heaven on earth.

Happy April Fool!