There's been so many changes in my life, and, at first, not such pleasant ones. As time passes and I'm not in the thick of it, I'll tell my full story. However, now is not that time. I can, however, tell you what I've learned. It's a lesson that has helped me keep my balance in the midst of chaos, loss, and hopelessness and I'm grateful for it and I'm ready to share it with you:
It's so easy to thumbs up or thumbs down people, places, and occurrences. We have our preferences. We say "yes" to this and "no" to that. Often we think we can control our lives this way and steer ourselves to a happy future when we avoid what we don't want and embrace what we do. Surely a life lived this way will be awesome!
The trouble is that, at a very deep level, we often don't know what's best for us.
Our preferences can keep us stuck in a life that really doesn't suit us as we live, grow, and change. The Rolling Stones say "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you can get what you need." This is so true.
Life often puts us where we need to be, despite our preferences.
I never would have asked for what's been happening to me, not consciously. But as my life moves on I realize that when I stubbornly clung to an idea or construct about what I imagine a good life is, I lost track of what's truly best for me. Change has come, not changes I would have chosen, but changes that I now see were essential. They've, amazingly enough, shown me sides of myself I never knew were there and presented me with opportunities I wouldn't have considered in the past.
So, to sum up. . .
. . .try not to judge what happens to you. You'll be happier if you simply accept what is. When you give up struggling against the whims of fate, you'll be less likely to miss the opportunities embedded in the challenge. Open your heart and mind to whatever is going on in your life, and the benefits will reveal themselves to you.
Good luck, and much love