Sunday, September 6, 2009

Good Knight and Good Luck

Knights are typically out on a quest, and our handsome friend here is no exception.
You can see his strength of purpose in his posture and in his gaze which is fixed on the horizon. His horse goes ahead willingly. His silver and white armour indicate his sincerity and also his peaceful heart. He is confident, without any certainty, that what he is doing is the right thing and where he is going is to the right place.
The blue trim on his tack and his costume symbolizes truth and loyalty (and also water), and strongly suggests that he can do no other than what he now does. He is loyal to his dreams and desires and is eager to find and follow his path.
His bent arm, in heraldic terms, is symbolic of his leadership ability, and the cup indicates that he occupies the office of the king's butler. Who is the king that he serves? Who does he lead?
The fish emblazoned on his costume symbolize one who is comfortable navigating his emotional nature, and also indicates that he embodies christ consciousness and has a true, generous mind. Therefore, the king he serves must be his very soul which is guiding his body in his journey through life. His heart leads his actions.
The wings on his heels and helmet indicate both his eagerness to discover who he is and the knowledge that his search is supported and encouraged by the universe.
The cliff we see across the river shows us that he is coming to a significant point in his life. He faces this unnamed challange armed only with the qualities of his spirit that I've outlined and his empty cup.
In martial arts, the empty cup signifies the willingness to learn.
Talking to a friend of mine who practices Tai Chi, I learned that his goal was to give up using any kind of force in his art (and in his life), and to practice harmony, attunement, and acceptance of what is.
The knight we see here has done this, and now he goes forth full of trust.
Truly, this is a quest we can all adopt. Staying where one is out of fear of change or arming ourselves against an imagined and frightening future is not our knights way, and it's not a fun or fruitful way for us to be either.
Our knight is venturing out to experience connection with life, harmonious, trusting, and true. With courage and confidence, he en-courages us to do the same.