It's Halloween, and I found a tiny little, well, Thing, that looks like a minescule tombstone. How appropriate, I thought.
On the tombstone was a series of numbers that added up to the number 6. 6 is the number of love.
In the tarot, the number 6 is the lovers, a card that encourages a spiritual, all embracing love: of oneself, of each other, and of the Universe.

Having the number 6 on this tiny tombstone implys a death of some kind; not of true love exemplified by the lovers, but of conditional love, a belief in a soul mate, a true partner, an idea that one can only love what is perfect for oneself. This is an objectified love.
When love is objectified, it loses its "flow". Flow is essential and life-giving. What does not flow grows stagnent and limited, a "stopped" thing. Understood in this way, and practiced in this way, conditional, objectified love creates mistunderstanding, fantasy, and dissappointment.
Hanging onto an ideal of love, or an "ideal", lover, indicates the need to control others, and the need to control others implies a deep-seated fear and a lack of trust in what is.
As my brilliant daughter wrote in a paper for school, "Those who cannot face their fears in love turn their partners into monsters", for the object of such a love cannot grow and change. We've created them with the dead tissues of our fantasy, we bring them to life with the electricity of our expectations, then we've killed them with our jealousy and doubt when they don't live up to our ideals.
The living, flowing quality of unconditional love is absent.
At this time, when traditions says that the curtain between the worlds of material and spiritual thin, we must put the desire to live and love truly on our altars and rediscover our true nature. Acceptance of ourselves creates a space for true acceptance of others. When we see them through the eyes of our higher nature, nothing but love exists in that tender gaze.
Practicing to see ourselves and others through the eyes of love will put a stake through the heart of our fears and doubts. We will no longer mistake illusion for love. When we are all loving, we know that all is love. No one is outside of our love. Nothing is outside of our love. Fear and dissappointment will vanish. For certainly, in reality, nothing but love exists, and isn't love all we need?