Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I found love

I'm a mom.  I have three wonderful kids at various stages in their lives.  I noticed that what I worry about mostly is how they are doing, no matter what is going on in my life. 
Some things have been going on with them that I've got a tendancy to lose sleep over.  So I walk, and worry.  The questions I've been asking are solution oriented.  How can I help my children through this or that problem?  The messages I've been getting in response are hearts. 
Friday last week I got this:

A pencil, brand new, with, as you can see, a heart on it.  Nice, I thought.  Pencil hasn't even been sharpened.  Interesting.

A couple of days later, and in the same place, I found these:

Two hearts.  A big one, and inside it was this little one.  Hmmm.
Then, today, after exhausting my mind with worry the night before, I got this:

And this:

For the longest time I couldn't figure out what the image was in this ring.  Then I saw it.  It's a mother holding a child.  All of a sudden all the hearts I received made sense. 

My job, the universe was telling me, is to LOVE my children, not to solve their problems. 

The Pencil tells me to sharpen my ability to love without censor.  The heart is not an eraser, i.e. there are no conditions that will take love away or activate it.  Real love just IS.

The large heart holding the small one tells me that my children are safe within my heart.  That's all the safety they need.

The brown heart cut-out, clearly done by a child,  helps me to understand that I am loved in turn by my children and by mother earth (brown is an earth color). You can't beat the healing power of that kind of love.

The ring containing the loving mother and child helps me put this all together.  It also reminds me that love is circular.  What you give will come back to you, and, as John Lennon and the Beatles say, "All you need is love."

A powerful message that I am very grateful for.

Much love to you,