As I walked her this morning, I kept an eye on her, wondering whether or not to take her to the vet.
As a rule, I'm not crazy about going to doctors, so I was reluctant to take her there. Then I found this:
Some "Caution" tape. I don't usually pick something like this up since there's a lot of construction around where we live so this tape shows up a lot. Still, something told me to pick it up, so I did. I do try my best to follow my impulses. I probably could be more careful . . . but what, really, was this about? I needed clarity!
Then I saw another piece of paper floping around in the wind. It drew my attention, so I paid attention. It was some sort of school medical form. Here it is:
And I'm still puzzeled.
This paper is all about some sort of health and safety regulation requiring a doctors visit. It didn't mean anything to me, I thought, since my kids are too old to need me to take them to the doc's. Why did I need to pick this peice of trash up? I was about ready to dispose of it when I saw this:
Ok. I get it. It all fit together. Caution, medical need, little dog picture.
My little dog is going to the vet.
Once again, I want to thank the universe for the guidence I get. When I have a problem, I get answers in this wonderfully bizarre way. Don't you just love this crazy life? I sure do.
Love, Kristine