Friday, January 22, 2010

Egg Yourself On to a Better Life

I didn't expect to find much in the way of Messages from the Universe as I walked the dog this rainy morning. It had been wet for days, so there weren't a lot of people about who might drop something. Further, since paper was the most common form of litter, I was not optomistic about finding a paper message from that wasn't too dissolved to read.

Pixie the wonder dog went sniffing under a tree, and nestled next to said tree was this.

These cards are part of some mysterious game the kids play, so I have no idea what this image represents vis-a vie this game, but it happened to be the symbolic image that most represented what was going on for me right that minute: broken eggs.

From the larger tragedy in Haiti, to the sense that our own country was veering wildly to the political right, to my boy's car accident (he's fine, car's totaled) it seemed to me that my secure little world was cracking.

The egg, obviously, is the symbol of potential life.

There are a lot of folk sayings regarding eggs that make effective morality tales. The first one I thought of was "don't put all your eggs in one basket". The story tells of a young girl who plans to sell her eggs at the market. On her way there she dreams about the money she will earn when she sells them. She has big ideas about buying another hen and therefore having more eggs to sell at the next market and, eventually, the girl fantasizes about a hugh chicken farm from which great profits will flow. She gets so wrapped up in her dreams that she doesn't pay attention to where she's walking. She steps on a stone in the road, stumbles,and breaks all the eggs.

At first, I thought that this tale meant that one must not be greedy, and that she should have left some eggs behind for safe keeping. Then I thought that it meant to diversify your efforts. She was all about the chickens. Maybe she should have had more arrows in her economic quiver, a more diverse portfolio, if you will.

But no, I think this tale is about the wisdom of staying in the moment. And It's not just about security or economy, it's about trusting life.

We carry in our basket (Our mind) so many ideas and plans. We assume that by focusing on an idea, by planning ahead and following our plan, that we will find safty, happiness, and prosperity.

Life doesn't work like that. Our plans and dreams often are often dashed by an unexpected event or tragic accident. When that happens (as it can--this is our life, after all, not a scripted TV program) we are thrown off balance. Then the potential life we so hoped for--built on the fragile platform known as "the future"-- is destroyed. All our eggs are broken and we're left with nothing.

I think that life has it's own plan for us; Not a grand plan, but a small and personal one. It's simply this:
Life wants us to live it.

Find those things that make you feel like you are really engaged in your life, that excite and inspire you, and DO them.  When you do those things, that means that you are living your happy life NOW, not waiting for some mythical future.  It really is just that easy: look around you, find something, anything, you enjoy, enjoy it, and feel alive! Sure, dream about your future, but live the moment!

The excitement we feel as we plan some future event is a great energy builder, but in between that future and this moment are all the other events, good and bad, that make up our lives. Don't miss these moments! When you truly enjoy your present, a few broken eggs on your path might make a mess, but they truly are only a blip on the radar of your well-being. 

Love, Kristine