When I first discovered these treasures, I thought some neighborhood kids must have left them there. After several weeks went by, I realized they were give-aways so I picked them up and took them home. The next day, another small toy showed up.
Toys don’t show up every day. Sometimes months go by without any little offerings under the magic hedge. I always give the neighborhood kids time to claim them, but no one ever does. It surprises me. As a (formerly) imaginative kid, I would have been eager to acquire these tiny toys all the while composing a story about neighborhood fairies leaving special treats just for me.

I’ve been feeling the pressure of the economy, the oil spill, the plastic island of junk in the Pacific Ocean, and realized that my offerings have all been about worry and fear. I don’t have to tell you that when you focus on what is going wrong it can really spoil your day. I decided to do something radical: Ignore reality.
We often use the life we’re living to predict a probable future, but if our perspective is dark, what chance does our future have of being bright? Why don’t I imagine for myself a happy future? After all, the future is never a sure thing, and when I focus on dreams of a brighter life, it makes my present moment feel a whole lot better. Maybe by casting positive ideas on the waters of my life, a happier future will return to me.
One thing’s for sure. Hope feels so much better than fear, and there’s nothing better than feeling good. Want to multiply what’s good in your life? All you have to do is think about it.
Love, Kristine