In our bodies, our skeletons keep us from being just a hairy puddle of flesh and blood.
There are two kinds of skeletons, endo and ecto. An ecto skeleton, a hard shell on the outside, is perfect for a bug because of their size and needs. An endo skeleton, bones on the inside, best serve the needs of a mammal.
Even the design of our bodies serves as a metaphor. Is your life’s structure fulfilling your needs?
In the Bas Haus School of Architecture came the phrase “form follows function” meaning that the building’s design should be based on its use. A strong structure can support great beauty, and the strongest structure is the one with the most integrity, perfectly designed to perform the function for which it was designed.
A flimsy structure cannot support a building or a life, much less create beauty. Does your life allow you to perform the function for which you are designed?
If you don’t feel it in your bones that your life works for you, it’s time to rebuild it from the inside out.