When someone is cross with us, it can make us rethink who we are. We start from feeling cross ourselves, justifying ourselves for the annoyance we caused. We defend our actions and we defame the person who objected to them.
Then we turn our thoughts to wanting to fix whatever we did. We begin to regret our actions and start feeling bad about ourselves. How can we make up for our shortcomings?
Now, instead of being cross, we discover that our upset is our cross to bear. We can learn alot from the discomfort of being cross.
When you consider what a real cross looks like, you can see what I mean. Two pieces of board nailed together, the four ends going in four different directions, just like our thoughts. One board symbolizes our negativity, one symbolizes our positive impulses. Where the boards intersect is a place of no extreems and no judgements: our center
There's a center in every situation. It is where commonality and balance live. It remains the center, no matter how far our angry thoughts diverge from that still sure point. You're made up of your pluses and minuses, and the intersection of the two is the truth of you. You can always find your way back to YOU, no matter how cross you are.