The internet brings to our attention so many amazing artists, writers, entertainers, and musicians. Some of the work is very professional, and some, not so much. It’s of the amateurs that I now speak; those who have the courage to go ahead and post a piece of art or video or music for everyone to see (and comment on). Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t. It doesn’t matter to them, because these folks just enjoy making stuff, and they do it because they love it.
I used to worry that having so much access to seeing or hearing truly “good” work, through radio, television, and other venues, might stifle creativity in the non-professional. How can one sing if they’re not Pavarotti, or do art if they’re not Picasso? That’s not what’s happening, though. Folks are creating with joy and sharing their creation with all of us. It’s beautiful, it’s inspiring and it’s fun.
We can’t all be professional artists, but we can all create from our hearts and find the freedom inherent in expressing our true selves through our (playful) work. Creativity lives in us all. We need to let it out to play every now and then. A little fresh air and exercise is a tonic for the body. Fresh ideas and self expression are tonics for the soul.