Because of his recent injury (torn meningus, detached ligment to the patella) he's going to be going to be receiving his diploma on crutches. These few days he's negotiated insurance, transportation, and medical buerocracy. I helped out long-distance, and didn't realize that, with his injury and the hectic nature of getting ready for our trip, I was stressed out. I was ignoring every signal.
This morning I got some really good advice from the Universe. The first came through in this great book I'm reading called You Are the Answer by Michael J. Tamura. Here's what I read:

I thought to myself, as I was busily organizing my daily to-do list, that that was a very interesting statement, and that I'd look into when I wasn't so busy. Maybe I'd think about it on the plane . . .
Then I pulled my daily Abraham card and goddess amulet (completely at random) to see what guidence I should keep in mind as the day went by. Here's what I got. See the resting ladies?
Not only that, the Angel card I pulled was "Obedience". Did I listen? No, I did not. I am so sorry I didn't. Sure, I got what I needed to do done, including writing this blog, but I've got a splitting headache for my trouble, a sure sign that I'm out of balance and some recharging is just what I need. I promise that tomorrow . . .wait, you know what? I'm not going to put it off another moment. I think I'm going to get some rest right now.
Much Love,