Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One Point, Soccer, and Everyday Aikido

I love soccer (futbol, I mean) and the World Cup is an event I make time for.  I actually love watching sports in general.  I like the feeling of being one with a whole bunch of other fans cheering a team on.  Win or lose, it's great to be part of something, however briefly, that is larger than oneself.  It's also great to see people who have worked so hard to be at the top of their game in action.  It's very inspiring.

So there I was watching two great teams playing their hearts out, and my mind kept telling me that I was wasting my time.  I was enjoying myself, and yet part of me wouldn't let me be "in the moment".  Two things occurred to me: First, my judgements were once again messing with my good times.  Second, I was not occupying the present moment fully.  My monkey mind ego was in full control.

I know myself, and part of what motivates me is the idea that I'll improve somehow if I follow a certain practice.  Yeah, yeah, we're already perfect.  My spiritual self knows this, but my mind isn't so sure and needs a path to follow that coaxes it to align more fully with spirit.  That's the main reason I'm interested in spiritual teachings and teachers.

Take Aikido for instance.  I loved the practice, and mostly because the physical challenges helped my body align more closely with spiritual knowing.  The concept of "One Point" for example.  It's presented as a physical reality, a point of balance about 2 inches below the belly button that, when you concentrate on it, helps you move with clarity and precision.  It may seem like a narrowing of focus, but when practiced mindfully, it helps you inhabit the present moment with more awareness.

Back to soccer: I realized that I was not inhabiting the watching of the soccer game fully.  I was being distracted from my futbol one point by judging the value of what I was doing.  I was, I realized, sacrificing present comfort and enjoyment by worrying about some future and unknowable potential discomfort.
With a jolt, it hit me.  Watching this soccer game through "one point", not being distracted by other thoughts and ideas as I watched, could actually be thought of as a spiritual practice.  It was Futbol Meditation!  What a great way to enjoy every part of life!  Make every moment a meditation.

BE in the moment.  If you're dancing, DANCE.  If you're eating, EAT! If you're watching, WATCH!. Don't let any moment pass by without giving it your full attention. Don't judge it, worry about it, compare it to other moments, or want some else to approve of what you're doing.  Just live your life moment to moment to precious moment with one-point of attention: what you're doing right now.

Love, Kristine