I don't know about you, but it's hard not to worry about the economy, both personal and private. My question to the universe this morning was: "how can I be more productive in my approach to my finances."
Here is the first piece of information I picked up:
I looked at this little piece of purple prose and the first words my eyes fell on were "Spring Pictures" and then, at the bottom "no money".
I needed help interpreting THIS more positively. What I know for sure, in my heart, is that the Universe will bring messages of light, not darkness, or at least a way to find the light in darkness. This felt dark, dark, dark; like a prediction of my financial future.
The word "school" let me know that there was a lesson here for me. In dream symbology, that's what being in a school or taking a test or talking to a teacher means: that some where in the dream is an important teaching so pay attention.
I still couldn't shake the feeling of dread. No money.
Then I saw a bit of white that had been run over and mushed into the road from the last rain but dry as paper mache now. It had a bit of yarn attached to it, so I knew it was something that some child had made. Those are always intersting to me, and often valuable, so I picked it up.
Here's what it is:

It's a little snowflake, and some sweet kid had drawn hearts and music signitures and arrows on it to make it more snow-flakey. So cute! And what struck me about it most forcefully was that it looked like a directional guide on a map.
Then the message became clear.
What I had been doing is picturing no money in the Spring.
What I had NOT been doing is charting a course towards more pleasant hopes and dreams.
Some talk of what is and say "Why?"
I dream of what can be and say "Why Not?"
I'm paraphrasing this quote, and forget who said it, but the meaning is clear and very apt: Staying with the reality of the situation keeps me stuck in it. Dreaming of what might be moves you toward a better life. Both ways of thinking have power. Which power would I rather manifest?
A car is another dream symbol that indicates one's life. The fact that this little snowflake was run over by, probably, several cars means that the "facts" about my economic life were multiplying and crushing my dreams. I want and need to reactivate the powerful thought process that moves me in the direction of creating what I want in my life, not more of what I fear. Therefore, hope needs to be reborn to shed light on the darkness of my current economic thought.
Nothing in the future is gauranteed. Nothing. My advice to me and to you?
Start dreaming of what you want and stop fearing what you don't want. Choose hope, eschew worry, and see what happens. Why not?