Thinking straight can be such a struggle. You look for a clear mental pathway and one think reminds you of another and soon you're following a trail of memories that lead you far from your original purpose.
Meditation helps. We know this. I don't know about you, but I've got a million reasons why I don't meditate. Excuses, really. Still, I don't do it much. Sure, in the dark of night when the werewolves come I lie in my bed and calm myself, relaxing into my body, my circumstance, and investigating my ability to just be.
I find this to be very helpful. At least it helps me find my way back to sleep, and at best I feel serene and at peace.
I have a friend who does standing meditation. 20 minutes, and working towards more. It sounds so hard! If you've tried it, you'll know what I mean. Arms curved in front of your body, weight on the balls of the feet, eyes closed. Now relax. Don't move. Relax. 20 minutes of fighting gravity and trying to relax. Not for me.
Still and all, everyone has their own way of connecting with the universe. I don't think there is any "correct" way to go about it. Connection is the point. Connection is all. It feels sooo good to connect with the all-that-is.
Back to my wandering mind.
I was wandering with it one day, feeling confused and out of sorts, and I found this:
It's a plain blue piece of paper. That's all. Nothing on it. I guess the universe didn't want to add to my confusion. Blue is the color of peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth. Sounds like meditation is definately being encouranged!
I continued walking toward the ridge, and I saw this in the sky above:

I realized that my message from the universe today is that we all are uniquely gifted to be living the life we're living. We don't have to change or "become better people". We are all we need. Our only problem is that we don't trust or even acknowledge our gifts.
People tend to devalue what comes easily to them, yet what comes easily to them is usually their unique gift.
When we realize this, that our gift is whatever we do most easily and naturally, we will feel at peace with ourselves and experience the fearless tranquility that comes with self acceptance. We will face whatever comes to us with calm hearts, for nothing can shake our stability when we live a life in harmony with who we are, in unity with the Universe, full of trust that all is well, and knowing that the truth has set us free.
And the truth is, we are our best selves, especially when we do what is the easist and most natural thing for ourselves to do whatever the circumstance. Our unvarnished selves are what we have to give, and to give our gift we need do nothing but be. Share your gift.
And Enjoy Yourself,
Love, Kristine