Saturday, January 12, 2008

More Energy Leaks: The Lies We Tell Ourselves

This blog is sort of about food and how it effects your energy, but really it's about how the truth can set you free.

As my Tai Chi teacher once told me, "Everything is energy; it's how you interpret it that creates the result. "

Food is Just Energy, but I have many patterns of thought around food that were creating physical results that were not pleasing to me. My clothes felt tight, my energy was like a pogo stick, and I had a hard time staying in the moment.

I'd justify my eating habits by saying "it's just energy. This chocolate sunday won't make me fat because I BELIEVE it won't. "

What a liar.

I didn't believe that for a second. I really believed that a chocolate sunday WOULD make me fat, and the way my clothes fit confirmed my beliefs. Those beliefs seemed set in concrete. I couldn't seem to change what I thought, so that meant I needed to actually change what I ate in order to create the results I wanted i.e.: clothes that fit, energy that was consistent, and balanced emotions.

A friend turned me on to the anti-inflammation diet. (Here's a link that talks about it more completely. Oh my goddess, only fruits and vegetables for the first three weeks! No beloved butter, no yummy sandwiches, no juicy steaks, and no, absolutely no, hot fudge sundays.

So here I am, 10 days into to it and, I have to tell you, I feel great! With the receipes in the book, I feel full and satisfied with every meal and look forward to the next one. My energy is consistent, I'm emotionally more content, and my clothes are fitting better and better.

Best of all, I'm no longer lying to myself about the benefits of what I'm feeding myself. I'm in alignment with my belief system. What a relief! It takes so much energy to tell myself lies.
Perhaps one day I'll truly believe that everything is energy and whatever I put in my mouth will contribute to my health and well-being, but until that day comes, I'm going to stick with the system that I currently believe in and that truly makes me feel better.

This diet my not work for you. That's not the point. The point is, "to thine own self be true". Honor who you are and what you believe. There's a reason you feel as you do, maybe not a good one, but a reason just the same. Honor where you are now.

Paradoxically, it's the only way to change.

Your own belief systems structure how you live. If you're struggling in any aspect of your life, look and see what lies you're telling yourself. You'll FEEL them immediately. Lies always make you feel uneasy and ungrounded. Start telling yourself your truth and acting on that truth you've discovered, and you will feel better!

In fact, you'll start to feel like YOU.