Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Shoulds V.S. the Want-tos

The other night at 1:00 in the morning, I couldn't get to sleep. I was immursed in fear and anxiety, the "shoulds" at war with the "want-tos".

The shoulds tell me what I need to do, what everyone does, the common wisdom we've all grown up with. I've heard it called "Mass Consciousness" and it's a strong pull to conform. It's the formula for success: go to school, get good grades, be popular; get into a good college, get good grades, be popular; get a great job, get lots of money, be popular.

The dark side of Mass Consciousness is repression of self, subjegation of creative desires, and motivation based on external approval.

The alternative? A place on the park bench with a bottle of cheap wine.

The "want-tos" tell me what I'm interested in, what I'd love to do, what would make life really juicy for me. I'm encouraged to think for myself and not worry about the opinions of others or what the economy looks like, both personally and politically. I'll get what I want if I do what I want. The dark side? What if it doesn't work and I end up on a park bench with a cheap bottle of wine.

The promise if it works? Heaven on earth

Then I went for a nice clarifying walk with my friend Rosemary. She said to me, "Focus on what you enjoy. Life's too short to live it any other way."

By goddess, she's right. Enjoy your life. Live with flexibility and passion. Learn to trust what happens and respond to what's right in front of you. This moment is all you have, it's where your power lies. Live in it with focus and integrity.

Heaven on earth begins and ends with that.