Monday, June 29, 2009

Roll on, you magician you!

Hurray! I got the magician today.
It 's a beautiful card. The flowers symbolizing passion and transformation grow all around him. The infinity sign of, well, infinite possibilities, sits like a halo over his head. He's holding aloft what looks like a candle burning at both ends. Hmmm. The transitory nature of life? Don't know, really, but that sounds good. He looks like he's ready to start getting things done.
His posture is a heaven and earth mudra, (as above, so below) and, on the table, at the ready, are the 4 powers of the 4 directions.
The West gives us the chalice: water, the symbol of emotions, which are our guidance system.
The North is the pentacle, earth, wisdom, and the ability to create in form what you dream will occur.
The East gives us the sword: symbol of air, diviner of the truth and the home of inspiration.
The wand is a gift from the south, symbol of fire, creativity, and the dreams that help us move forward.
So the magician's power is to use it all.
Here is the magic circle: Our dreams (the south) pass through the emotional nature (the west) to see if they "fit" us at this moment in time. If they do, we'll feel great and the north will actualize them. Then the east presents us with a new truth based that dream's fruition which in turn inspires the creation of a new and better dream (the south again).
The circle rolls on.
That stuck feeling occurs when you want something but don't think you can have it. The south dreams, but the emotional west says nope, not for us. I feel uncomfortable with that thought. The north, literal-minded as it is, says "you're right, so here's the same old dream you've been dreaming again. The Sword has a chance to break the cycle by saying "hey, I've got an fresh idea about this spot we're in!" The south dreams the new thought, but if you're not in line with it you'll reject it and, whoops, stuck again!
It's up to you to take the new inspirations you have in and make these your new idea for your fresh basis for reality. You have to let go of your old ways, and let the new you emerge! When you do, the dream of the south will be so much more powerful. The west will believe it can happen, and the north will make it happen.
The faster you're able to ride this circle, the faster you're life will change.
And, since as above, so below, the more the world you see will change in response to the changes you create in YOU!
You see what I mean? This is a great card!
Live your dreams!

Be the magician in your own life.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Oh, lord, can this really be the end . . .

. . .to be stuck inside a blog post with the nine of wands again.


I keep picking this card. What does this mean? I see this little guy with a bandage on his head using the staff (excuse me, WAND) to lean on. He's clearly exhausted. The hills in the distance are deserted, so no immediate threats are in view. It looks like he's really wary about making any new choices right now, like he'd rather cling to what he has than try for something different.

Well, that sounds a lot like me.

That sounds a lot like all of us, lately. The news goes from bad to worse.

I think we're all pulling in a bit, conserving our energy and our finances, trying to be optomistic about the future but with not much to go on, just our feeling that we've been here before, we've gotten through it, and we can do it again. We don't know how, but We've GOT HOPE.

We elected him, so YES WE CAN!

How, I guess, really doesn't matter. As Carolyn Casey once said, "We don't need reality, we need vision." She's right.

Sure, we need to turn around and really look at the problem, but then we need to look past the problem and dream of the potential solution.

As always, it lies in our hearts, not in our minds. Out hearts tell us the truth about ourselves, about how valuable we our, how much potential we have, and how much we have to give.

Our minds let us know how fucked up we are. Don't believe them. They're too influenced by our egos.

Let your heart be your guide. It can navigate you past tiredness and irritation, past fear and pessimism, past all the problems that seem like boulders in your way.

Make a choice, any choice. It really doesn't matter which one. Just choose, but choose with your heart. It may not be the "right" choice, but it will feel the best and deliver the most.

Love is truly the magic that lies within all wands.

With Love,
