Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ah, the joy of the 8 of cups

So here I was, feeling a bit low, so I decide to write my tarot blog. I thought I'd pull a card and in the analysis of the card, I would figure out how to get out of my crummy mood.

And what do I pull but the 9 of cups.

A jolly man in a jaunty red cap (and socks!) sits in front of a semicircular table covered with a blue tablecloth and laden with 9 cups. Let's take it apart.

First we'll do the colors: we have gold, blue, and touches of red.

Gold shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness. Shades of golden yellow carry the promise of a positive future. Gold will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts.
Blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed.
Red increases enthusiasm, Stimulates energy, Encourages action and confidence and a sense of protection from fears and anxiety

More positive stuff.

Now, what about the semi-circular table: In the astrological system of symbols, the semi-circle stands for the assimilating, receptive aspect of man that the spirit, life, creates in its interplay with matter,

Very cool. I'm starting to feel better already.

Now the number 9:
  • Number of the patience, the meditation.
  • Number of the harmony, it represents the inspiration and the perfection of the ideas.
  • It is the expression of "the power of the Holy Spirit", according to Etchegoyen.
    Symbolize the plenitude of talents, the reward of the tests.
  • Symbol of the creation and the life as a rhythm and development.
  • As a product of 3 x 3, it is the expression of the perfection, the symbol of the virile power, in addition to be associated to the couple.
  • Nine is the number of the one who accomplishes the divine will. According to the Cabal, it is also the number of the achievement.
  • The freemasons have made it the eternal number of human immortality.
  • Being the last simple number, it is the number of finalization or finition; it is therefore the most complex, that marks the full lighting up of the numerical series.
  • This number was considered as sacred in Egypt and in Greece.
  • Number of the man, as a numeral symbol of his gestation (nine months).
  • Number symbolizing the nocturnal and terrestrial things, for the Aztecs.
  • Number of the hierarchy, represented by nine choruses of the Angels.
  • Represent the three divine manifestations in the three plans: world of the spirit, world of the soul, world of the matter, which gives a triple manifestations of Trinity (3 x 3).
  • Symbol of the multitude, and according to Parmenide, it concerns the absolute things and it is the symbol of the totality of the human being.
  • A favorable number, associate to the eternity.

Oh, my, god, did you get all that? I got it from a site called"riding the beast" What an incredible number, and what an amazing card is the nine of cups.

To sum up, I'd say the card is about allowing yourself to fully recieving the incredible gifts the universe has for you. You don't even have to try; to do, be, or have anything. You deserve all that you have and more! Just sit back, be receptive and accept the gifts the universe has given you and expect more to come.

In short, all is well, it truly is.

And the Tarot does it again. I hope this lifted your spirits. It lifted mine.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Where is the "truth" sending you?

The Page of swords is today's card.

Pages are messagers, and the sword is the symbol of truth (with a capitol "T"). We see a young person on a hilltop. The blowing trees in the background and the flowing hair on his/her head indicate a blustery day. A flock of birds flies in the distance. Huge clouds mass on the horizon. Far away we see an indication of water and mountains. The young person's stance is guarded. Who or what is he/she looking at? Maybe at some version of the "truth".

The "truth" can distract you from your purpose. When you're off on your personal journey, towards a dream you've always wanted, and someone says something negative about you, you can be thrown off your path. You might, for instance, be told that "you can't have this thing that you want, because you're a _____ and no one like you can ever have this dream-come-true." "Well," they might add, "it's the Truth!"

Their truth hurts, and you may feel defensive, wary, like giving up, or even arguing with the nay-sayer.

We've all been turned from our true path by this kind of comment; that we're not focused enough, pretty enough, powerful enough, etc. etc. to have our dream, and that only extrodinary people get what they want.

Our parents might have told us this, or our teachers or friends or we may have said this to ourselves when life feels overwhelming.

Defending ourselves from someone else's opinion only distracts us from our purpose and, more insidiously, shows us our tacit agreement to whatever we've been accused of.

What we, or others, believe about ourselves is not "the truth". It's just a thought we've been trained to keep thinking. We can change our beliefs about ourselves by simply turning from the old belief and continuing on our path, trusting that we'll be guided to (and by) our best self.

The Truth is that we are all extrodinary, with our own way to move through the world and our own unique gifts to give.

All we need to get what we want is the strength of will to go forward even in the face of a storm of disapproval. Storms always end, the winds of change will blow the clouds of self-doubt away, and you will see your clear path ahead.

Go for it. Let your truth set you FREE!


Monday, July 13, 2009

What Are You Paying Attention To?

The 5 of cups is our card of the day.

Under a cloudless sky a young person in a long black cloak stares at 3 chalices on their sides. All have spilt their contents. Two upright cups are behind the figure and completely ignored. A river separates the person from a prosperous looking home. There is a bridge in easy distance that could be crossed if our hero our heroine was not so focused on the mess he or she has made, but no movement seems possible in the moment of this disappointment.

How like most of us, to see only the drama that is before us rather than the way towards what we want.

The cups symbolize our emotional nature, and this is where most of us get stuck, especially when "bad" things happen. We tend to put our attention on the problem (the spilt cups), ignoring the things that are working well for us (the two cups that our upright. We are also disregarding a way out of the problem.

The fact that the figure isn't showing his hands, and his posture looks immobile reflects the helplessness we feel when a disaster occurs. We don't know what to do. We're frozen like a deer in the headlights.

Our emotions, like the river, can block our path to our dream (the fine home across the river), but they can also show us how ready we are to change and guide us towards our heart's delight.

Sometimes we need to face our problems in order to envision a solution, but sometimes the solution seems unsolvable (like the current state of the economy). Then we have to realize that in order to be happy we have to turn away from the problem and envision a better future. I think the great teacher, Jesus, describes this as "turning the other cheek".

Look to the dream, not the reality, to create the change you want in your life. Staying focused on what you're living now insures that nothing will change. Focus on how you want your life to look like. The surge of happiness you feel when you imagine your perfect future will tell you that you are on the right path. If you feel conflicted, you aren't quite ready to go for what you want. Keep envision, and those negative thoughts will melt away.

As you look up from the problem to the clear sky of your vision, a pathway towards the life you want will emerge.

Good traveling,


Monday, July 6, 2009

The Wisdom of Wandering Away

Today I pulled the 8 of cups. Let's take a look at this card.

Cups hold water, which is the element of emotion. The number 8 in numerology signifies patience, perseverance, deep-seeded goals, and earthly wisdom ( from Indianetzone Astrology. )

The card shows a person walking away from a stack of 8 cups. He's wandering at night, under the full moon, and by a rocky river. He's moving up a small embankment, and there are large mountains in the distance.

This is a card of change, about leaving the old emotional anchors that once supported us and striking out on our own with only our intuition to guide us (the moon). There are objects to be confronted (the rough peaks in the distance), it's not a smooth running stream (the rocks imply rapids-the changing course of our emotions as we confront whatever is before us as we leave the comfort of past contentments), but we know were going in the right direction.

Our emotional guidance system (abraham-hicks has a lot of wisdom about this) can lead us to peaks of satisfaction. If we feel good, we know we're going in the right direction. If we feel bad, we'd better change course.

It's important to remember that the way we feel is our motivation to change, and that even when we feel comfortable and happy one thing is certain: this, too, will pass. But that's great. That's how we keep our creative juices flowing. Boredom is the mother of invention, just like necessity.

Personally, I'd rather make a change from having a lot and going for more, as the Pilgrim in our card is doing, then because I have a desperate need to change.

Watching our emotional guidance system helps us navigate our changes more gracefully. Following subtle feel-good paths leads us to great things. Ignoring the emotional warnings of fear, anger, sorrow, and irritation, and following a negative path will create very different results.

So don't wait until someone comes along and topples those carefully stacked emotional cups! There's a whole river of life out there. You don't need to hang on to anything or anyone.

Strike a new path for yourself that is even more satisfying, more gratifying, and more pleasurable then the one you now walk. And be patient with yourself, heed your inner wisdom, and persevere.

Oh, and have a good time!

With Love,