Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've Just Seen A Face . . .

I know, I know, I didn't let you all know what happened with Iggy.

Well, Kelsey and I went to the Pinole Shelter promptly at 10:00, and as we pulled into the parking lot who should we spot but two sweet little girls and their mom hurrying to the shelter door.

Our heart's sank! We had seen them check out Iggy the day we fell in love with that little dog. All that pure intense energy focused Iggy's way!

Well, since there were two families wanting this pup, the women at the front desk had us put our names in a cup. Then they drew one out. (drumroll here)

Kelsey and I didn't know what to do. If we won, well, hurray, but what about those little girls? We wouldn't feel right depriving them of this terrific little dog!

Fortunately or unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to find out if we were the wonderful people who would give up a much desired animal to two children. We lost the toss.

It was with very mixed feelings that we left. So unfocused was I that I got into a minor fender bender in the parking lot. RATS!

Well, Kelsey and I were determined to find a pup for us, so we decided to plan a day of concentrated dog hunting. We picked a time a few weeks from the infamous Iggy-loss day.

The morning of the hunt I checked out all the various shelter's and rescue group's on-line offerings. At Pinole (again) they had this cute little black & white terrier!

I went into frantic mode. My heart leapt and began pounding. I started to sweat with anxiety. (In my defense, it was also a really hot day). I firmly pulled the reins on my emotional wild horse. "WHOA!" I said. "No more of this emotional whirlwind. We are not going to change our schedule for this dog. No showing up at 10 AM for a bidding war. We've never even met this dog. We'll get to Pinole when we get to Pinole. If the dog is still there, then we'll see . . ."

Luckely, Pinole shelter was #1 on the list.

Soooooo, we left for Pinole at 11:00. And the dog was still there. And we loved her. And we adopted her. And now she's OURS. She's sleeping in her bed as I type, and here is her picture. What a great face, huh? Such a sweet little jailbird. We call her Pixie, Pix for short, and we're so happy!