Saturday, August 6, 2011

What are you focusing on?

Walking my dog at a local park one morning I noticed a man going back and forth to his car.  He loaded up on picnic baskets and blankets.  The next trip he had his arms full of kid toys.  On the third trip were tiny bikes, one with training wheels and one a balance bike.  As I passed him, I asked him if he were preparing for a birthday party.

"Yes," he answered "Mine."

I remarked that it certainly didn't look like the party was for him.

Then he smiled broadly and said to me "I'm looking at life through a different lens."

Children certainly changed the life of this generous man, and he accepted it fully and joyfully.  The best gift for him, now, was the happiness of his children. 

Looking at life through a different lens is what we all need to do in the face of change.

What can we focus on to help us view our life in a way that will enrich our experience rather than diminish it?  Even when we think there is not much around us to appreciate or enjoy, we could be wrong.  It's corny, but it might be worth it to put on those rose-colored glasses.  We might as well like who we are, what we're doing, and what's going on.  Really, what else do we have?