Friday, March 28, 2008

Practicing what we've been preached

I had a really interesting realization about patterns of thought. Patterns of thought can be changed, all you have to do is be aware that you're about to dive into one, notice the repetitive thoughts that come up, and begin to shift your focus and see what's in front of you in a different way.

Usually, some one or some action will trigger a response in you. You'll think your response is real, when actually it's just a pattern of thought that you usually think in the presence of this person or action. You get your buttons pushed and a habitual response comes out. It's not real. It's just a thought you're used to thinking.

In the movie Dan in Real Life, one of the character's says, "love isn't an emotion, it's an ability". You can have the ability to love, and practice that ability, or not. You can also have the ability to be happy, and practice that ability. Or, you can continue to practice your patterns and stay stuck in the life you have.

Most of us just practice what we've been "preached", or taught. We've learned what the culture thinks of as an appropriate response to any given person or action, whether or not the response feels "right" or "true" or in alignment with who we really are.

We lose the ability to respond naturally and truly when we adhere to "the preaching". Let go of what you think. Feel your way towards natural responses and see what this opens up in you. How do you know when a response is natural? You feel completely whole. Remember feeling whole?

Whenever you feel fear or doubt, know that this is an unnatural response. Practice a different feeling. Free yourself from your patterns. You have nothing to lose and a whole new world to gain.