Sunday, August 22, 2010

Betting on Yourself

I asked for a little advice from the Universe today.  It went kind of like this: "Give me a sign, please, that I'm doing OK!  I'm feeling a little insecure, and I'd like some support!  It's been a while since I asked, and I'd like a SIGN."

Preceeding up the path, I found this poker chip.  What on earth did this mean?  A few heartbeats later, I got it.  The Universe was telling me to bet on myself.  I realized that, like most of us, I was not holding up my end of this life conversation.  By this I mean that I was not fully realized as a unique and capable human being.  I was relying too much on outer circumstance to decide for me how I was going to live.  I wasn't actively creating the life I wanted.

How do we create the life we want? I think we create the life we want by living it.  If we don't have it for real, we can start dreaming about it.  We can visualize the life we'd love, and see what shows up in response. In order for what we want to start coming to us, we have to take ourselves seriously.  We have to believe in the way we live, our uniqueness, our openness to flow with what's happening, and our certainty that we have our own legitimate and important place in this world.  Our purpose is to be ourselves, as completely and fully as we can.  We are the manifestation of Universal energy.  Like snowflakes, our way of being is different from everybody elses. That's the point.  We're here to celebrate our variety and treasure our differences. That way, we become as we're meant to be: an expression of Universal creativity.

We can't be like anyone else, no matter how hard we try, so why try? It's the many beautiful voices that enrich a choir, the many colors that make a painting vivid.  Be proud of who you really are.  Bet on the self that came into this world to be whole, vibrant, and free.  If we all do this, the world will experience a rebirth of creativity and vitality unlike any other.

The stronger you are, the more you you can be, the more value you have for the rest of us.  We can depend upon you, because you are no longer an egoic shadow of yourself.  You are fully realized and strong.  As Rumi Says: "I honor those who try to rid themselves of lying, who empty the self and have only clear being there."

The self keeps you stuck in ego.  Clear being is the light within you that guides you all the way along.  You can bet on it.

Love, Kristine