Sunday, July 3, 2011

Some Borrowed Wisdom about Choosing Wisely

Today I was once again struck by how often "Ask and it is given." actually works in the "real" world.  After a dispiriting day I realized I needed a little guidance. I found myself idly looking through an old notebook.  Inside were some ideas I had jotted down from a seminar with a wonderful teacher named Cheryl Malakoff.  I will paraphrase:

Our ego is the portal through which we manage our energy.  We interpret our present through the lens of our history.  Personal perception defines our world.  What is going on inside of us is reflected in the world around us. We can see where we are energy deficient by what freaks us out, or by what makes us suffer.  Suffering is like an energetic bio feedback machine. Therefore:

Do only the things that strengthen you, and eliminate that which weakens you

You can discern what to do in every case by using these principals.