Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happiness Is Easy

When You Eliminate "Trying". 

After all, why do we strive for anything? Because we think it will make us happy.  What might happen if we eliminated the striving?  What if we could just be happy without having to attach our happiness to a person, place, activity, accomplishment, job, income, etc.?  What a relief that would be.  

Eliminate the middle man of trying.  He's a trying guy anyway.  When we fall short, he beats us up, and when we accomplish our goals, he says it's not enough.  He's just never happy, so we aren't either.  Let's stop trying to please some arbitrary judge that relies on bench marks. .

As Yoda said to Luke Skywalker, "there is no "try" young Skywalker; there is only DO."

Let's do this thing.  .  Let's leave "trying" behind.  Let's just be happy