Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me

I heard from my brilliant son yesterday. This is not just a proud mom talking. He really is brilliant. He doesn't know it, though, and that's the trouble. He doesn't seem to know how to make the kind of choices that will enrich and enhance his life.

As his mom, I often blame myself. "If only I'd been able to somehow change the way I parented", I say to myself, "perhaps he'd be better able to live his life more wisely."

Maybe, but that's beside the point now. Our power for ourselves is in this moment. This one. This very one. NOW. We can't change the past, and, even if we could, we can't change other people.

I can't change my son. Only he can do that, and only if he wants to. All I can do is believe in my heart that the universe is pointing him in the right direction; toward his true potential and away from that which no longer serves him.

It looks like he got fired from a job, but actually, he was no longer a match for that job and was too stubborn to let it go. The universe sees who he is, sees his potential, and is not concerned with how he sees himself. The universe wants him to move forward into the life he was born to live. The universe knows he's been playing life too small. He needs to grow his ambition, his self regard, and his self love.

Sometimes, what seems to be a curse can turn into a blessing. I know he's in pain, and I know he feels lost and humiliated, but I also know that he'll get over it and that something else will turn up for him if only he will forget the past and expect more from and for himself.

At this point in our life together the only thing I can do is love him and keep the faith I have in him burning bright. Someday he'll see that light shining in my eyes, and I hope that will inspire him to ignite a light all his own.

Soon he'll see that what he thought was "Up" was just something he was settling for. There's so much more in this life for him.

Go get it, Hon.