Friday, February 8, 2008

Miss Guided, Miss Guidance

Well, I reread my last blog and decided that my whole problem is me.

I actually believed that there's a right way to be, a right way to do things.

I'm, well, wrong about that. Everyone has their own way of moving through the world. It's time for me to let go of ego and let everyone be the way they need to be. I can't possibly advise my son or you or anyone about how to live their lives. Only you know what's best for you. Your own time table, own mistakes, own beliefs, own tragedys, comedies, and feats of ordinary living are the building blocks of your life.

And yet, here I am writing this blog. It does imply that I'm trying to teach others. Well, for all I know, no one but me is reading this, but I'm really the only one that needs to read it. I'm trying to reach a goal, a way of feeling joyful and peaceful as much of the time as possible. Writing this blog refocuses me, and alerts me to where I might be missing the mark and what is in alignment with my goal.

I missed the mark last blog. I tried to solve my boy's problems. I didn't trust him to do it on my own, and I didn't trust life. Life, his life, will teach him all he needs to know, and I can trust him to learn and grow as he lives his life. He is the best judge of how to solve any problem he has.

I understand now that nothing and no one is beyond the reach of love. You don't have to earn love or change in order to get love. Love is in you and around you. It's your birthright. Even the worst human beings and the worst behavior possible is within love's scope. The only real way I can aid anyone in pain is to love them.

I think that was what O Sensei was teaching when he talked about Aikido. An attacker has lost his balance. See his point of view (tenkan) and send him on his way.

When we engage in right-wrong thinking, we are in opposition to all-encompassing love. There is no right way to be. There is just being. I'm going to focus on being in love.