Friday, December 4, 2009

If wishes were horses . . .

This message from the universe knocked me out.  I was, as usual, out on the trail with dog and friend, and I saw a flash of blue.  It was an unusual color, and, being plastic, didn't belong out on the trail, so I picked it up.  I didn't think much of it.  This particular blue is not a color I like all that much, so I didn't think I'd be putting in in a found art piece.  I figured I'd be doing my bit for outdoor esthetics by putting it into a recycling bin when I returned home, but before I did, I decided to take a closer look at it.  Here it is:

I don't know if you can read this, but it says "share the power of a wish". 
We all know about wishes.  We wish on stars, we make a wish before we blow out birthday candles, if you tell your wish it won't come true, and, one of my favorites: If wishes were horses, beggers would ride.
Thinking of wishes like this takes the power from wishing, making it something only children do, at best, and valueless at worst. 
When I was a child, I set great store by wishing, and many of the things I wished for came true.  I look back on the things I achieved as an adult, and I recognize that I now live where I wished I would, and I did (and do) many of the things I wished I could. 
Yet, despite this evidence, I lost faith in the power of my wishes.  Life seemed too big, too fast, and too out-of-control for me to make wishes about.  Wishing seemed an impotent and frivolous return to past naivety. 
When my children entered my life, and I had the opportunity to see again how powerful a simple, believed-in wish could be.  I reconsidered.  For THEM, the wishes worked, but was I too jaded for wishes to work for me?
I pondered that idea, and came to the realization that I never stopped wishing, I just stopped noticing the results. I saw that the universe continually supported my heartfelt desires, and that even if the answer to a particular wish was "no", in retrospect I would see that "no" was the right answer for me.
Wishes, hopes, prayers, and dreams: all of these guide the mind to focus on a lovely vision of what might be. As you continue to wish, to dwell in the energies of hope and excitement, you encourage these energies, and the vibration around the wish grows.  These powerful vibrations increase the attraction to the fulfillement of the wish, and therefore the likelihood of recieving what you wish for grows.
I now think of wishes as Visions, visions of a better, more enjoyable future. 
Be a Visionary.  Make a WISH!