Saturday, December 26, 2009

Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, and Transformation!

Pulling the Judgement card this time of the year, when Solstice has occured and a New Year is soon upon us seems more than perfect.  It's a card of CHANGE, and the desire for change is at its height now.  People are looking at their lives and planning to be better.  The New Year promises a fresh start.

I find it interesting that our culture is experiencing a fascination with Zombies, Vampires, and Werewolves. I think this indicates a desire for change, because the ills and negative thinking that are overwhelming us need to be addressed. This fascination allows us to do this symbolically.

Zombies are the physical representative of what we're ashamed of.  Think about it:  Zombies are ugly, shuffling, beings that eat your brain.  You try to kill them, but you can't.  They're already dead, yet still alive.  What could be a clearer symbol of the past errors that haunt us and torment us long after the circumstances we still squirm over are gone?

Vampires are beings that suck our blood, our life force, our energy.  They won't die, either, unless they're exposed to the light of day.  Doesn't this sound like our erroneous thought patterns that keep us from being happy?  Once we expose these ideas to the light of consciousness, we see how our thinking give us nothing but heartache.  When we realize this, we become empowered to let these thoughts go.

Werewolves are human by day, but, by the light of the full moon, they turn into monsters.  Ever lose sleep over worries that you can't shake? Those are your werewolves.

Judgement is a card that tells us that it's time that the lid is blown off all our hidden negative thoughts and "shameful" secrets that we try to hide from ourselves and others. Judgement gives us the opportunity to live a new life, to transform, but first we need to be willing to clearly see, then let go of, the Zombies, Vampires, and Werewolves that live in our head. 

You can rid yourself of the Z, V & Ws in your life. How? Ekart Tolle tells us to stay in the moment, because the moment is where our power lies. You know that, as you read this and if you are fully in the moment, your worries are not on your mind.  The Z,V & Ws are not in your now.  They represent the dis-ease of the past and the concerns for the future.  They are not alive in your conscious present.

This is your clue to eliminating Z,V, & Ws from your life: don't take them seriously and don't pay them any attention.  It's difficult, because we're in the habit of thinking that the way to solve a problem is to obsess over it, worry about it, and try to figure out a solution; however, the mind that created the problem will be hard-pressed to resolve it.

Christ had another, more productive, approach.  He said "Turn the Other Cheek", or as Abraham Hicks says, "put your attention on what makes you feel better."
Your true power is in the moment.  Be in it.  The past is dead, the future hasn't come yet.  All you have is this moment.  Here we are.  Here is where we'll always be, and where we've always been.  Sharpen your focus and stay in the moment.  This moment holds all you need, and so many wonders.  No scary monsters live in this amazing place.  Just you, the wonderful person you are.  Just YOU.  Now, live the miracle of yourself.
