Sunday, April 18, 2010

Take a Page from the Page of Wands

Ah, Spring when a young person's fancy lightly turns to, well, just about anything new if you're like the Page of Wands.  He's an explorer of the path less traveled, and pursuer of the newest idea, a visionary and truly creative spirit.  He reminds us of the range of possiblities that are available to us. 
As Abraham says, "Your choices of action may be limited--but your choices of thought are not."
The Page of wands encourages us to think big, think vast, think loose and free!  He wants us to shake the cobwebs out of our brains, do a thorough Spring cleaning of old and outmoded thought patterns, and get busy creating a new life for ourselves.
My daughter and I are (I blush to say it) hooked on "What Not to Wear", a Lifetime program that changes the style of a select woman to "match" who she's become. The hosts of the program assess where the lady is in her life, and whether or not her "look" is in harmony with that. 
It's amazing to see the transformation that occurs just by her changing her clothes.  You can see how stuck in a style a person can get, but once they are encourange to open their hearts and minds to a new way of looking at themselves, they buy clothes that seem to free them.  They become happier, lighter, more confident.  It's not just because they look better, although they usually do.  Quite a bit better.  It's because they've allowed themselves to be bigger then they thought they were.  It's like watching a caterpiller transform into a beautiful butterfly.
The Page of Wands gives us the same kind of wake-up call. 
"Hello," he seems to say "you've been in the cocoon for long enough!  Break on out and spread your wings!"
It can be hard, after all that self-inflicted confinement, to break free of what we think we are and begin afresh,  rethinking ourselves and our abilities without the old holdbacks and habits. 
We're so used to the comfort of discomfort.  We might think that our confinement within a certain way of being keeps us safe, but actually it keeps us stuck.  Not only that, our desire to self-limit is really a cheat.  Not only are we cheating ourselves out of our true potential, we're cheating each other.
As a mother, I know that nothing is more inspiring then watching someone we love grow, evolve, change, and progress.  Babies do it so easily and naturally.
As we grow older, we have a harder time.  We tamp ourselves down to please others.  We worry that if we change, we will no longer fit in with our peer group.
We may not, but there is a new one waiting for us that will fit our needs and our new self more perfectly, where we are encouraged to be our full selves rather than asked to be less than we are. 
The more we live our true selves, the more we'll feel fulfilled, at peace, holy and whole, and the happier we will be.  We'll also create a safe space around us for others to find their freedom as well.  As more and more people let their light shine and become the lights in the world that we all are, the world will become a brighter and lovlier place.
Spring is the perfect time to create heaven on earth.  Go forth and blossom!
Love, Kristine