Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happiness is Contagious

Obama, 09, oh my.
I predict a year of incredible change, and in order to move through the changes gracefully, my intention is to continually look for silver linings.
It's so easy to be negative, but it feels so bad and it's not productive. When my thoughts dwell on things that frighten me, like the economy, I start to live the fear that I'm feeling.
I was caught up in negativity in the last few months of 2008. I got very ill. Upon recovery, I looked around and noticed what I had.
I discovered I had an abundance of love. I was supported by friends, family, business acquaintances, and hospital staff. I felt so grateful, and feeling grateful felt soooo good.
Lesson learned. I rediscovered an attitude of appreciation and I intend to nurture and cultivate this attitude throughout the next year.
In order to do that, I will look for and do only what makes me feel good. My life is this moment, and I intend to enjoy each one. In short, I intend to be happy.
I read that current research on the subject of happiness indicates that if you live near a happy person, your chances of being happy increase.
The "selfish" intention to be happy can change your neighborhood. Change your neighborhood and you can change your city. Change your city, well, you see where I'm going with this: World Domination!!
Despite what we read in the paper, despite what the pundits say, and even despite what your bank account says: as the great spiritual teachers say, "Don't worry, be happy."
Join me.
Really be the change you want to see in the world.
You do want a happy world, don't you? Together we can do this.
Yes we can! Yes, we CAN!