Thursday, January 15, 2009

On Being Free

How important is freedom to personal happiness?

To my mind, it's essential. Physical, mental, emotional, and financial freedom provide us with more options in terms of activity, ability, health, and opportunity. That means more ways of being happy.

We are all, more or less, as free as we allow ourselves to be.

We are also as free as we allow others to be.

Anger and criticism are prison guards of our soul. These feelings negatively affect ourselves far more than they affect the object(s) of our ire. Carrying anger around, holding grudges, and making harsh judgements forge heavy chains indeed. Their weight can break our hearts, fill our souls with pain, and our minds with confusion.

I advocate letting these feelings go! Whenever they come up, think of something else, read a good book, watch the tube, walk your eternally happy dog. . .

It works. You'll immediately feel lighter and freer yourself.

How do you feel when you feel light and free?

For me, that feels like HAPPINESS.