Thursday, January 8, 2009

Your True North

We've been trained to seek approval from others. We recieved grades from our teachers and words of praise from parents, coaches, and friends. It feels so good to recieve these pats on the back, and they help us feel important and successful.
The danger here is that we feel awful when the praise turns to criticism.
We need to re-train ourselves to find happiness through self respect and self love independent of anyone else's opinion. We must walk our own path and follow our own direction.
It's great to have the support and love of others, but the only person that will be with you your entire life is YOU. Therefore, the person you most need to impress is yourself.
Do your actions and life choices arise from a desire to please others, or are they a true reflection of who YOU are? Have you betrayed your own beliefs in order to earn the regard of another, or have you risked rejection by following your heart?
Genuine happiness can only come from being genuine. Trust yourself, be true to yourself. Love yourself. It's the only way to be truly happy.