Saturday, November 7, 2009

What's Driving You?

I was coming out of my Network Chiropractor's office (Lisa Hartnett-so much more than just a chiropractor-her wisdom and insight are invaluable) when I found this card.  In dream symbology, a car is a symbol for your life.  How big it is, who's driving, and what direction it's going in are all keys to how you feel about your life in general and yourself more specifically. 
I thought it was ironic and more than a little funny to find this image where I did, because I think of Lisa as my "repair" person.  She restores and realigns body and soul, and gives me tools to help the healing continue when I'm on my own. 
Picking up this little card near her office sparked some new ideas about "healing".  What, exactly, do I think needs being healed in my body, or in my life?  This conversation is today's message from the universe.
I asked myself exactly where I would put the X.  Would I mark the right, intuitive, side as "damaged" or the left, more linear side?  Would I mark the rear of the car, thus blaming the lessons from the past for any present injuries, or the front, giving my feelings of insecurity about the future the black mark?
I thought about that, and realized that, really, none of these areas were the problem.  The "problem", if there is one, lies in the present moment.
So I examined the present moment.  Was anything really wrong?  Not really.  If I thought about it long enough, I could see where my intuition is sometimes wrong and gets me into trouble, and I could feel bad about that.  Or the linear side of me, with it's insistance on things being a certain way, could compromise my happiness.  Or, I could regret a past wrong or worry about a furture event. There were all sorts of thoughts available to me that could make my life miserable for me, but truly, at that moment, at this moment, nothing was and is wrong. 
All is well.
My life is only about this present moment.  Nothing needs healing.  Nothing needs to change.  I just need to bring presence to what is as I'm living life.  When I do that, I can be more responsive to whatever I'm doing or whoever I'm dealing with. This feels like a much healthier approach than my responses in the past.
Does that mean I no longer need to see Lisa?  Not at all.  With her help, living in the present moment has become (relatively) easier to do.  I'm recognizing the patterning in my thought processes that drag me out of fully living my life and create conditioned responses that do feel wounding.  Recognizing this allows me the space to make other choices in my life, to not repeat old patterns, to find new ways of relating to my life and my self that are more empowering. 
Most importantly, I'm learning that happiness really is a choice, and I'm learning to be more adept at making happiness my priority.
It is a cliche, I know, but it is true that the present is the present. Let's give it our full attention.