Friday, January 15, 2010

How Haiti Opened Hearts and Minds

Wow.  So much in the news to recoil from!  The disaster in Haiti was a blow for all of us.  How can we put our faith in the wisdom of the Universe when something like this occurs?  Of what benefit to ourselves and to our world is the tragic death of so many and the unimaginable grief of their friends and relatives? 
We've discussed the idea that we are all one, and that, perhaps, we are, literally, an energetic part of our world and each other.  How, then, can we use that idea to make sense of what has happened?
Seeing ourselves as a metaphore for the world at large might provide us with some clues. 
How many times are we shaken awake in the middle of the night by fears and worries?  Our attention is drawn to the intensity of this energy, and we see it as something we need to get rid of or suppress so we can continue to sleep.  Acceptance is far from our reach.
Usually, we have a circumstance to point to that has generated our midnight anxieties, and we see our negative emotional reaction as the only way to be with this energy.  We use our intellect to try and figure a way out of our troubles, often increasing our anxiety as our focus on the problem makes it seem too big to solve. 
There is another way to deal with these issues.
We could change our focus. 
When Christ said to "turn the other cheek"  if someone strikes you.  He didn't mean leave yourself vulnerable to being hit again.  I think he was encouraging us to take responsiblity for our part in that negative action.  He is asking us to look at our behaviour and to notice that there is an area here where we need work, where our energy is compromised.  Let's not look at the person who struck us, let's look at what we're doing that might be contributing to a problem.
So how does that help us with Haiti? 
Perhaps the destruction in Haiti is one more signal for us to open our hearts and acknowledge our connection with one another, and I think that we're finally getting the message.  The outpouring of sympathy, help, aid, and relief is amazing.  On facebook, in the news, on the radio, the plight of these people has clearly touched us in a deeper way than ever before.
People like Rush Limbaugh, with their comments about how, somehow, the Hatians "deserved" this tragedy now stand in high relief.  It was such a tone-deaf, compassionless response!  The result is that we can see the stark contrast between the truth and the lies they are telling, and we can therefore more clearly recognize the small dark shadow of hate and fear that they cast on the bright light of love and concern that engages and energizes the rest of the world.
As ever, the response to comments like these, to people like these, is a fierce blessing. 
"May all those that maintain that an angry and spiteful god is behind the tragedy in Haiti have the truth and power of Universal love revealed to them in such a way that their hearts will finally be softed and they will forever act and speak with loving kindness."
Blessings, too, on the people of Haiti. 
"May their recovery be swift, and their country healed and bettered in the face of this destruction."
Love, Kristine