Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Raising young 2010 to grow up strong and free.

The new year has begun, as well as a new decade. A friend reminded me of the numerological significance of the number "3" which is the number you get when you add the numbers in 2010 together.

I looked up "3" on a numerological site, and they describe the 3 personality as "the most playful of all the numbers".

Now that sounds like a year I want to live in!

It went on to say that 3 people are "creative, socially active, artistic, very positive and optimistic, playful, happy and fun-loving, inspirational, imaginative, motivating, enthusiastic and uplifting." Better and better!

On the down side, a 3 person is disorganized, irresponsible, a scatterer of energy, directionless, and has no follow-through. Apply that to a new year, and that makes it sound pretty scary at first. Fun, but scary. Then I realized we're at the right on the cusp of a new beginning.

In other words, we're in a baby year.

Babies are all of those good things described above, and all of those "bad" things as well. The difference is that we don't take the negative stuff so seriously in a baby. We forgive the baby for being disorganized and irresponsible. They're BABIES. Of course they're like that. And we're patient with babies, and try to cultivate and encourage all the good stuff that they do.

I believe that we are definately in the baby stages of a new way of living. We can plainly see that our culture is rapidly becomming more creative, socially active, artistic, positive, optomistic, etc. etc, and that's a good thing.  We have to be in order to deal with the vast problems we face.

The problem is that we're not used to trusting our creative, intuitive selves. This way of being might freak us out a bit. After all, we've put so much faith into a more rational interpretation of life. It's hard to let go of the reliance on our mental states and open up to a broader way of seeing the world.

Therefore, we will need to be patient with ourselves, and allow ourselves the time to find our footing in this new decade. And we need to trust each other more, and be more compassionate and not so polarized. Let's find the seeds of agreement in every argument and focus on them so they might flower into new understandings.

Let's begin to play with life, and make this game of living something new, more open, and a lot more fun for the sake of ourselves, each other, and the world.

Since we're used to structure, we might want to have something in place so we will feel safe to make the changes we need to make. I believe that our intuition will lead us to forming organic, fluid structures that allow for change, growth, and differences. We might also be tempted to reject structure, since the crumbling structures of our schools, economy, and social systems in general have made many of us wary of setting up new ones that might be equally flawed. Nevertheless, we need to learn to understand how a society might work that is based on creative rather than economic force, that empowers us with faith and hope rather than seeking power over us because of  the irrational fear of change.

I believe that our differences are what will save us. They make us strong, and keep the life force flowing through us. Embracing our differences is the first step in trusting what is. Trusting what is is the first step in feeling safe. Feeling safe enables us to expand our creative wings and fly into the future with joy and confidence.

Don't be afraid to spread your wings and fly.  I believe you'll have lots of company.
Love, Kristine