Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Time for some Fierce Blessings

We've been talking about love. Now it's time for action, but how do we actively love?
It only takes one person to love, and it might as well be you. Do you remember the song :"let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." It speaks to the responsiblity we all have to live the life we want to live, to be the people we want to be, and to love with no reason in order to create a better world.

How do we activate love, then, towards people who seem hell-bent on destroying the world we live in? Don't we need to be in opposition to people like that?

I don't think so. I think opposition creates more rigidity in the opponent, and a stronger opponent, when we're talking about the survival of our planet, is not the direction in which we want to go.

Opposition also buys into the notion of duality, that we are not one, that there is an "I" and a "you" and if your ideas are contrary to mine, you are not just a "you", you are an enemy.

Not very loving.

So how do we actively love in these circumstances? I think Carolynn Casey has the right idea with her concept of "fierce blessings".

Here's an example: Let's say that an oil executive is intent on drilling in a Polar Bear habitat. The fierce blessing might be "May he realize and understand on a gut level his connection to the environment so he will radically rethink his priorities."

You see what I mean? To actively love, we must assume that even people that we don't trust, that we dislike, or are irritated or frightened by really are us. Further, we must assume that they have the same ability to change as we do.  A fierce blessing sends the energy of the change we would like to effect on both the offending party and ourselves.

It's a bad idea to send negative words toward anyone, for several reasons. First, those words tend to bounce back on us, and, more importantly, a blessing feels so much better than a curse.

And a fierce blessing feels so very effective!

There's power in words, and a curse is powerful, but if, as I believe, love is stronger than hate, and light is stronger than darkness, how much more powerful is a blessing than a curse!

There's a Wicken pledge that says "Do what you will, but hurt no one!", and despite what our mothers said, sticks and stones can break our bones but words can really hurt us.

Let's stop hurting ourselves and others with our negativity.  Instead, let's bless each other and shine the light of love onto every problem.

And may you be blessed in your fierce blessings!

Love, Kristine