Saturday, March 20, 2010

All Things Being Equal

It's the Vernal Equinox, so happy first day of Spring to you! At this time the night and day are equal in length. 
In honor of this, I want to talk about the concept of equality.  To help me ride this train of thought, I picked a card out of the Tarot deck.  What I got delighted me.  It's the 6th of Pentacles, which talks about equality in an interesting way: as seen from a distance and with a visionary turn of mind.
Consider this: as we move around the wheel of our lives, we find ourselves living all aspects of existence.  Sometimes we're prosperous and have much to give.  Sometimes we rely on and appreciate the generosity of others.  Neither position is better or worse.  BOTH sides of life can bring us satisfaction and contentment when looked at in a spacious and expansive way. 
We only need to remain open to the gift inbedded in each of life's aspects.  When looked at in this way, we see that both the "good" and "bad" of life are of equal import.  Sometimes they even switch places.  I'm sure you've had the experience of a disaster that became a blessing is disguise. 
Judging an experience leads to confusion, frustration, and pain.  For example, we can feel superior if we have much, or inferior if we have little.  These feelings and perceptions rob us of the ability to live life fully, to appreciate the ups and downs of existence, and most of all, to understand that the wheel of life continues to turn. 
What's up now will soon be down, richess melt away, youth turns to age. Our preferences may lead us to try and make time stop.  We want to hold on to what's "good", and push away whats "bad".  This stance of defensiveness and mistrust keeps us upright, but also uptight and out of life's flow.  As we learn to experience both "good" and "bad" with a sense of appreciation for the natural balance of life, our varied experiences of whatever stripe will feel more fruitful and benificial, no matter if they put us on the top of the wheel or on the bottom. 
When we master this, we've truly learned to dance to life's tune.  Around and around we'll go! After all, what would Spring be without the Winter?  The contrast life provides us gives us the material to seed our dreams in the fertile soil of our imagination. Welcome the contrast.  What seems like so much manure now is the compost for your future garden.
Have a fruitful Spring, and keep dancing!