Wednesday, March 10, 2010

From A to Z: More Kindergarten Lessons in Life

I have often asked my questions to the Universe with this codicil: 
"Remember who you're talking to when you answer!  For me, nothing subtle.  Simple phrases in BLOCK LETTERS."
Ahh, the literal Universe!  It really takes you seriously, in an extremely funny way.  To wit:
I've been reading "You Are the Answer" by Michael J. Tamura.  Great book.  My son got it for me for my birthday and I've really been enjoying it.  Anyway, the chapter I've been reading is about finding answers to our questions by looking within. 
I've been used to looking without for my answers; friends, teachers, books (like the one I'm reading) and, naturally, my Messages from the Universe.  I know, of course, that ultimately the outer mirrors the inner, so it's all coming from the same place.  The problem I have is that, even though I know that, I often don't trust my own answers and love confirmation from others regarding the appropriateness of my choices. 
Reading this book has inspired me to acquire the confidence and trust it takes to think for myself.  The Universe agrees with me, apparently, because look what appeared on my path today:
X-ray X-- simple phases in block letters.  Do you think it's hinting that I need to look within?  I'm guessing so.
Also, as an added emphasis, just check out old X-ray's hair.  Green, the color of healing, and purple, the color of spirituality, but only colored in 4 places (the number of stability).  Sounds like trusting my own guidence and intuition will be healing, spiritually fulfilling, and will add a dimension of stability to my life.
I have my assignment.
By the way, there are religious traditions that hold hair to be very powerful.  That idea gives having a "bad hair day" a whole new dimension, doesn't it? 