Monday, March 8, 2010

The Karmic Wheel of Fortune

Sometimes things happen that seem to come out of nowhere.  It takes a huge leap of faith to assume responsibility for random acts, and the Wheel of Fortune recommends that we make that leap.
If the universe is all about energy, then we have to assume that we attract to ourselves energy of the same vibrational frequency that we are exuding.  I'm sure that you've noticed that when you go out with a smile on your face and confidence and love in your heart, the day goes well.  When you wake up feeling sour and miserable, the day tends to go poorly.
If this is true, and my experience tell me it is, then there is no such thing as a random event.  You get what you put out there.  If you're worried about illness and disease, you get sick.  If you focus on lack of money, you struggle with your income. 
However, if you start to notice what is going well, and begin to look for and see what you wish to see in people and circumstance, you change your energy frequency.  The universe responds to that change by bringing more of what you are wanting into your life.
Changing your vibration takes work.  We're so used to complaining, skepticism, and feeling like the victum of circumstance.  It takes courage to accept responsibilty for your life and wisdom, focus and persistence to change it, but it's not impossible.  Count your blessings.  That's a start. 
Looking at the Wheel of Fortune card provides more guidence.  At the top of the wheel sits the sphinx.  The sword she's holding represents wisdom.  She is able to answer the question of who's in charge of your life in every circumstance, your job is to ask.
In the four corners of the card sit an angel, an eagle, an ox, and a lion, possibly representing water, air, earth and fire.  The books that they're studying, indicate that there's always something to be learned in every situation.
Even though the wheel is in the air, which is the element of wisdom, we can be a little too "in our heads".  The snake on the left encourages us to ground what we've learned in our own experience in order to validate the truth of it. 
The little red jackel/human creature on the bottom right of the wheel I see as the trickster.  He represents the sway of our agendas, the plans we have for ourselves and our life.   We often try to mold ourselves to our ideal constructs, plans and dreams, even when they aren't right for us.  Following our agendas too ridgedly blocks the true wisdom that comes from the heart. When we disregard the heart, and turn away from who we truly are to what we think we SHOULD be, that's when the wheel turns toward trouble.
As a friend of mine once said, "the mind changes the heart wants what it wants".  As you learn to become more sensitive to the promptings of the heart, your mind will turn from a nagging dictator full of "shoulds" to a gentle guide offering quiet counsel, and you'll feel wonderful.
The wheel of fortune reminds us that whatever happens, good or bad, the universe is giving us loving guidance.  All we need to do is trust life to lead us where we need to go.  When we do that, we'll ride the ups and downs of the karmic wheel with grace and power.