Friday, June 3, 2011

Embrace Your Inner Lemon (part 2)

Lemon tree, very pretty 
And the lemon flower is sweet,
But the fruit of the poor lemon,
Is impossible to eat. 

So goes the song, but I disagree.   

Want a great summer drink? Lots of lemons, sugar and water gives you lemonade.  Blend the fruit with some sugar, eggs and custard and put it in a crust and you’ve got a fabulous pie.  Blend some lemon juice with a bit of flour, powdered sugar, and a few other things and you have a delicious lemon bar.  And notice this about these recipes: They all have sugar in common.  Just add a bit of sugar to the poor little lemon and it becomes a treat.

Let’s extend the metaphor we discussed in “Embrace Your Inner Lemon (part 1)”: let’s say that the lemon is your worst fault, and sugar is love.  Corny? Yeah, I know, but think about it:  You start adding love to your, or anyone else's, faults and you’ve got understanding, empathy, compassion, and peace of mind.   

Nothing could be sweeter than that.