Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You want to make something of it?

If you’re handed a lemon, make lemonade. Such a cliche.  Like it’s easy to change your point of view, your judgments, and your ideas of what’s best for you.

Why is it so hard to modify our views about ourselves; why we’re here, what we’re about, what we prefer, and what we hate? 

We have a tale we've been telling ourselves about who we SHOULD be. So often we don't measure up to the hero (ourselves) of our story, and when we don't, we fight our self like a snake eating its tail.  It’s a painful thing to do. 

What a relief it would be to completely accept whatever is going on in our lives and who we really are.  How great it would be love and accept what we dislike about ourselves: our weight, our looks, the state of our money, our children, our accomplishments or lack of them.

Whatever we’re objecting to about ourselves, that’s our lemon.  Lemons smell sweet, are a beautiful color, and they make a terrific drink!  Embrace your inner lemon.  You’ll feel better.