Thursday, January 10, 2008

Exercising the Happiness Muscle

Sometimes feeling good isn't so easy. It's a muscle that we're not used to working. Even though they say it takes more muscles to frown instead of smile, smiling seems harder. Gravity, at least, works with the frown, and it seems so much easier to feel down, to let ourselves use disappointment, discomfort, or any external circumstance as an excuse to feel bad.

And where does that get us? For me, I've discovered that indulging negative feelings just creates more negativity around me. Wake up tired and cranky and you're sure to stub your toe on the curb and have the guy at the checkout stand be surly to you. Wake up happy and the world is your oyster and nothing but good things seem to happen.

Therefore I've decided that I'm going to deliberately look for things to cheer me up. I woke up feeling blue, it's rainy and gloomy outside, my son hates his new, and quite necessary job, but I'm not going to let mere circumstance ruin my day. After all, what is my life but a series of days, hours, minutes, seconds. Why waste one on depression? Why not create as much pleasure as I can in the time I have?

So, glancing around, I find in the morning paper that China has cloned a green flourescent pig that has passed those weird genes down to her new batch of piglets. That is too weird! How can I take this life so seriously when there are green glowing pigs in China?

Ok, go for the burn, no pain no gain,