Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Men Reading Fashion Magazines

This title, really, has only this to do with today's post: It's a line from a song, sounds like Rufus Wainright singing, and it's a great song. I'm listening to it right now.

Music, is what this post is about. As I type this, I'm streaming archived shows of Bonnie Simmons and Derk Richardson on KPFA. Here's the link:

These two play the best music. Old stuff, new stuff, and almost everything I like.

Music can change my mood like nothing can. A good song can make my day. Oh, here comes "California Dreaming", a live version. Perfect! My day is made by the Mama's and the Papa's.

Yesterday, I found myself smiling while doing crunches to Bob Marley in my light aerobics class. He made even that fun.

AHHH, Patty Smith singing Soul Kitchen by the Doors. So far, this experiment in happiness is going very, very well. All I need is a good soundtrack!