Saturday, September 26, 2009

Building Your Castle Out Of Sand-the Tibetan Way to Peace

A while ago, a friend of mine and I were coming home from the Oakland Museum and she said to me, "The Tibetan Monks are making a sand mandala at Saint Mary's College.  You want to go see it?"
I did, and I was so glad we made the detour.  What an amazing thing to watch, and it's also an incredible feeling to witness.  The intention and energy are, well, divine, and just being in the presense of these enlightened beings feels WONDERFUL.  After we watched them work, we left feeling positive, refreshed, at peace, and whole. 
This weekend, they'll be at Grace Cathedral.  I highly reccommend seeing them.  The work they do is incredibly beautiful, and the way you'll feel after a visit with them is phenominal.  Do the labyrinth while you're there after you see the monks.  I promise you, you will walk with more presense and more consciousness then ever before. 
Come learn about the beauty of impermanence from the masters.  On Sunday, after they complete the intricate design that will take around 65 hours to complete, they'll destroy it and toss the sand into the bay with prayers for peace. 
It won't be around long, and neither will we, but in the meantime the sand painting and we can make a beautiful statement for love, peace, life, and joy.  We're only human, with feet of clay, but how beautiful our humanity can be! Let's take advantage of the time we have to really live our lives.