Sunday, September 27, 2009

Random Acts of Sublimation

Messages from the Universe option 3:
I was thinking about how I enjoy recieving messages and advice from random people, pieces of paper, articles in the newspaper, and feeling that they were messages from the universe and, somehow, usually answering a question I've asked myself or addressing an issue I was pondering. I noticed how fun and helpful they have been.  Then I realized that I was a part of the Universe (he he, Ms. Universe) and could therefore send messages as well as receive them.
I was on one of my walks when I thought about this, and decided to send a message immediately.  But how?  What could I use to write my little note? The trail I was on, I noticed, had lots of sticks kind of strewn about since there were a lot of trees and brush around.  I gathered up a few of them and set out to write a message.  I wanted to write "look", since I noticed most of us walk with our heads down, but I couldn't find enough sticks to make the letters.  So I ended up writing:


It came out so pretty, and even though it's not very obvious, I figured it was a lovely subliminal message that perhaps people would get it at an unconscious level as they were strolling by.  I  felt joy as I was working on it and when I finished it, because it was great fun to do.
I think we all could use a little surprise in our lives, and encouragement as well. I imagined people walking by and seeing it and feeling surprised and, hopefully, pleased and happy.  And maybe they'd focus on joy.
I decided to send more optomistic messages in the same way, and think of new ways to do this too. 
I urge you to play with this.  It's a great creative exercise, it will make you feel good, you'll have fun, and I think it will make a difference.  When everyone contributes to a climate of creativity and cohesiveness, and realizes that we really are "all ONE", and knows that the good we do for others ultimately is the good we do for ourselves, the world can't help but be a better place.
Be a universal messanger. Don Mercury's wings on temple and heels and fly to the aid of the world.  If you can't do that, then simply be the message you want to recieve.  What would you like to get in your cosmic mailbox?  Think about that, and act accordingly.  You'll be glad you did.
