You begin by removing soil from the clothes (both soil and clothes are “earthy”) by washing them (water), then you take the clothes outside to be dried by the sun (fire) and freshened by the breeze (air). And there you are, doing what women have done over the centuries, cleaning clothes and drying them, an activity as elemental as can be with the end result: fresh, sweet smelling garments.
As you can see, laundry can be more than just a chore. It can be a satisfying and almost atavistic task when done, as much as possible, the old fashioned way. It gets us back to the basics of human experience. Gardening and cooking are other earth, water, fire and air chores that, like laundry, are basic activities that actively support our good health.
Tidying up in general may not be so basic, may not include all the elements, but it does contribute to our sense of well being. Mum always said that cleanliness is next to godliness. Maybe what she meant is that the act of cleaning something, be it body, mind or spirit, feels good. It feels right, somehow, to set our home, ourselves, our minds and our spirits to rights. It feels really good, and that which feels really good connects us to the universe.
Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water, ENJOY!