Thursday, October 22, 2009

The 4 of Cups: The gift that keeps on giving

We see a young man sitting by himself under a tree and in front of 3 cups.  A cloud is offering a fourth cup.  Will the young man take what's offered?
Usually when you have a question or problem and that you want some clarity on, you reach out for guidence from friends or family.  When you look to the Tarot, it might be because you just don't want the advice of anyone who may have an agenda, or feelings, toward you because you can't be sure if the advice or council they give will be objective.
Sometimes, no kind of outside input is required.  You might find that it's better just to be with yourself, consulting your own heart and mind with no feedback from anyone else.
Our young man sits in front of three cups.  He's clearly been sifting through his problem wisely evaluating his emotions (the cups are the symbol of our emotional nature) to find a solution.  He's arming himself with his passionate desire for clarity (the red shirt) he's considering the pros and con's of the situation (the grey tunic) and he's ready to move when all becomes clear (the blue leggings). 
Still, there might be one more piece of the puzzle he needs to know.  His meditations have brought him help from an external source.  Now he must ask himself, "do I need another point of view, or do I just need the time and patience to see what emerges?"
It's an excellent question, and I believe it depends on how long he's (metaphorically) been sitting there. 
Sometimes inaction is an answer.  It may not be the most satisfying one, but it is one just the same.  Some problems have no immediate solution, and you have to just wait and see.
The number 4 is the symbol of stability, but sometimes you have to know when being stable is really just being too stubborn to make the changes needed, or too fearful to move out of a comfort zone that used to be, but is no longer, fulfilling or satisfying.  In cases like that, the advice of someone you trust, or a tarot reading, can open doors.
And sometimes, you can find Messages from the Universe that clear things up almost by magic.
You just need to be open to what is, and to assume you'll get help when you need it and wise enough to reject help when you don't, because only YOU know what's best for you. 
Trust yourself, and when you do you'll find that you will trust where you are, who you're with, what you're doing, and whatever else is happening much more easily. 
When you can fully and completely trust yourself, you will understand that there are no wrong choices.
When you have aligned yourself with your own best interests, whatever comes to you will indeed be a gift you can receive with confidence.  Open and enjoy.
Much love,