Sunday, October 4, 2009

I've Got You Onto My Skin

I've got Poison Oak.  On my face.  SOOOOOO uncomfortable. 
At first I thought to myself that I should warn folks who were, like me, writing Messages From The Universe on various trails.  Especially if they're using sticks to form letters.  I thought I'd better caution them to be very careful about the sticks they might pick up.  I was sure that a poison oak twig gave me this hideous rash.
Then I thought: "Wait a minute, I'm around poison oak a lot, and this is the first rash I've had in many years.  Something else must be up.  Maybe this skin thing is just another message from the universe."
The book of Job came to mind.  Not a pleasant story.  Not going to go THERE, but it did  inspired me to go on-line and check it out.  I googled "spiritual causes of skin irritations". 
There were a lot of rememdys to wade through: homeopathic, clay packs, aurvedic, etc., but only one seemed to address a spiritual "cause".  It was a Christian Scientist publication.  The person writing complained about a rash around her checks and eyes (yikes! just like me!) that she thought was caused by mental stress (me AGAIN) and she began to treat it through governing her thoughts. When she decided that she needed help, she called a practitioner to really get the healing on.  Here's what she says:

"Initially I resisted calling a practitioner, as I thought he or she would share with me the same thoughts I was already praying with. After some time, however, I felt I needed prayerful help. After listening to my explanation of things, the practitioner I called said one thing: “God loves you.” I waited for her to say more, thinking she had missed the point. But again she said, “God loves you—that is all you need to know.” She encouraged me just to feel God’s love and not dwell on any other thoughts.
At first it was a challenge to think about God’s love and not the discomfort. But more and more as I sought to tangibly feel His love enfolding me, holding me, caring for me, I actually felt at peace. At the same time, the constant itchiness began to subside. When I was still tempted to scratch, I would put my hands down and instead center my thought on God’s love for me. The most amazing feeling then surrounded me for days. Eventually my thought was so filled with this one simple truth that there was no room for any other thought."

The skin rash dissappeared. 

with regard to any health problem, Abraham-Hicks says,

"Find something to feel good about and get out of the way, and allow the cells to receive what they’ve been asking for. That is the key to healing."

Excerpted from a workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
All Is Well

It's the same idea, isn't it?  I'm asked to find something to reflect upon that is other than this uncomfortable skin condition.  I'll turn to my other cheek, focusing on the one that's not itchy, and contemplate the love that surrounds me. 
I've been asking for messages of hope AND more skill in learning how to focus on more positive aspects of my life. (see the blog about the 8 of discs) This is a good way of practicing, very tangible and very useful.  Hope can come from without, but it truly lies within.  You know, in a funny way, I'm grateful for this opportunity to develop some mastery in consciousness, because I'm itching to open my heart!