Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Vital Importance of FUN

I imagine you saw the utube where they made a stair from a subway in Sweden play and look like a piano.  There was an elevator right next to it, and when they fixed up that stairway, 66% more people used the stairs.  Really amazing and remarkable.  To see it, click here:
When you make a hard task fun, people love to do it.  When you make hard information funny, as John Stewart and others do, it's easier to hear, and hope is mixed in with the message.  A spoonful of suger and all that.  And laughter heals. 
We all know this.  We feel better when we laugh.  We're more open, more eager.  We feel like we're really living.  Feelings, I'm learning, are everything.  Feel good, and good things tend to happen.
Carolyn Casey, the visionary activist, says that wolves choose their leaders by their ability to initiate play.  She also says that you can tell the alpha animal at birth, because it tends to have a lower pulse rate then its litter mates.  Amazing, huh?
I bet we work like that too.  We love the cool-under-pressure people, the warm-hearted people, the people who help us have FUN.  Let's let what feels good lead us. 
I remember that old Hippie expression: "if it feels good, do it."  I think there's more to that phrase than I realized then, so here's the message from the universe I recieved today that I'm eager to pass on:  They, we, were right!
Love, Kristine